Davy Claus relays a tale of when unrelenting persistence and flexibility in his angling paid off.
Tom Loraine moves over to TA Kit
1st November 2018
Tom Loraine details his latest catch reports since switching over to TA kit.
“So after receiving my first order through the post consisting of various end tackle and merchandise I was keen to get out and put the new hooks to the test.
Having only a night that week I chose to go somewhere local where I have been chasing a large carp around a fairly small and intimate but very snaggy gravel pit. I chose to fish one of the new TA Out-Turned eye size 5 in conjunction with my reverse combi rig and the other fished 360 rig style with the Curve Shank size 5. I fished these utilising the Tungskin in both 25lb and 35lb, set up ‘heil-style’ with the 45lb Olive Camo leadcore. Baits were mounted using the PTFE hook ring swivel screws.
During the night I had a stunning 30lb 6oz two tone carp and followed it up with a 28lber just on pack down before shooting off to work. The hook holds were immense and they certainly needed to be as both were fished towards snags either side of the swim. As we all know confidence in your end tackle is paramount and to catch on both patterns with no issues first time out I was now fully happy with my choice of changing over to the TA Hooks.”
“Following on from my last report I headed back to the club lake in search of that one final carp. Having kept the spots primed for the last few weeks and given her a month to recover from her last capture, I decided to set up back where I’d left off.
With the weather now changing drastically and temps reaching close to zero over night with frosty cold mornings, I still decided to keep the bait going in and fired out 3kg of glugged up Krill 16mm over the 2 rods. Fished both heli style using the TA Olive leadcore and double ring swivels, the 25lb tungskin hinges were set!
In the morning the mist lifted and right on packing up the right hand rod was away. After a good battle in the deep margins I slid the net under an awesome 30lb leather firmly nailed on the TAOE SIZE 5’s.
Although not the one I was after it was nice to see the spots still producing and with that in mind a few more kilos were added as I packed away and went to work.
With the nights drawing in now is the time for maximum effort, to make every bite count and hopefully the one I’m after will turn up in time before I move off for the winter.”
All the best