Davy Claus relays a tale of when unrelenting persistence and flexibility in his angling paid off.
Byron Etwell – ‘BCB’s 2019
10th October 2019
Having been off the radar for a little while, it was good to see our old mate Byron ‘BCB’ Etwell stop by with a memory card full of big carp…
A good selection of upper thirties and forties from a variety of southern waters filled our screens, all caught on Straight Eye or Out-Turned Eye hooks in a size 4, Hook Ring Swivels, Double Ring swivels, 45lb Olive Leadcore leaders and our forthcoming memory free hook link ‘Think Link’.
‘BCB’ (Big Carp Byron) is renowned for abusing his kit and testing it to the absolute limit, so it’s a proud testament to us that he puts his faith in our end tackle!
Well done as always mate.. keep them coming!