2nd May 2019

An ‘on form’ Lance Barton turned his attention to Linch Hill fisheries famous Christchurch venue, and riding high on his recent success elsewhere was angling full of confidence. With intense observation, he soon clocked the movement of the carp onto a new wind and this led to Lance positioning three carefully tied rigs on the patrol route. Six shows later and the rod was away with a corking 34lb 11oz Oxfordshire common, just reward for observation and patience!

Lance fished his rigs with size 4 TA Out-Turned Eye hooks with Hook Ring Swivels on to leaders constructed from our incredibly well received Olive Camo Leadcore, finished with a C-Clip lead attachment coming soon in our Summer Drop.


Off The Mark

Guy Turnbull had a great start to the year using when he ventured out in storm Freya...

Queen of The Valley

An in-depth account of Oz Holness's run up to catching the famous old common known as 'Swirly' - The Queen of the Stour Valley.

TA Brand Reboot

Our new and improved products now come repackaged in minimalist styling, with cool dark greys and fresh green geometric patterns.

Oz Holness spreads his wings

An insight into what Oz Holness has been up to over the past 6 months since he left the fire service to become an integral part of the TA team.