Davy Claus relays a tale of when unrelenting persistence and flexibility in his angling paid off.
Byron Etwell – Saddleback
21st November 2019
Thanks again for Byron to dropping by with a memory card full of autumnal bigguns…
Our old friend Byron popped in with his memory stick again. Another 27lb Mirror, 34lb Common, 38lb Common, 40lb Mirror, 43lb Mirror added to his impressive tally – the icing on the cake, the huge framed common called ‘Saddleback’ at a monstrous top weight of 45lb 15oz.
All caught on Thinking Anglers Out-Turned Eye hooks in a size 4, Hook Ring Swivels, Double Ring Swivels, 45lb Olive Leadcore Leaders and our forthcoming memory free hook link ‘Think Link’ as standard.
Well done as always mate… keep them coming!