Davy Claus relays a tale of when unrelenting persistence and flexibility in his angling paid off.
Nick and the Thames Linear!
28th November 2018
An account of Nick Helleur’s epic Thames linear.
Certainly one of the highlights of the autumn, and the year for that matter, was the news filtering through that Nick Helleur had caught the carp of dreams…a river 50lber! Not just any old carp from any old river either, an incredible linear from the mighty Thames.
Fishing from his boat over a number of months, Nick had baited the area with large quantities of chilli peanut and Sticky’s Krill boilie. As a big weather front ripped across the south of England, Nick received a take that would herald the start of a monumental 40 minute battle that dragged the rear of his boat off its mooring and tested the tackle and his nerves to the limit. Finally engulfed in the mesh of his net, Nick was rightly overcome with the emotions that an event of such significance brings – an angling achievement of a lifetime!
The great river is home to many magnificent specimens of most species and the very essence of angling; the varied moods, tides and structures is a true test of tackle and watercraft.
Nick landed the Linear whilst using our ‘on test’ curve point hooks in a size five. A truly savage battle with a river Thames beast of 50lb 12oz…well done from all at TA!