Oz Holness reveals how to approach the change of
seasons from autumn to winter

Oz Holness reveals how to approach the change of seasons from autumn to winter

The Middle of the lake is always a good starting point

The Middle of the lake is always a good starting point

If there's no signs of fish anywhere, spread
your rods out and fish for liners

If there's no signs of fish anywhere, spread your rods out and fish for liners

how to tie oz's


Liam Duncan Interview Part Two

Take a look at part two of our Liam Duncan interview where we gain insight into the methods and techniques used to achieve the ultimate success.

The Mobile Approach

Oz Holness explains how stripping back the gear to a bare minimum will allow you to stay fresh and mobile, which will put more carp on the bank

The Spinner Rig

Marcus Howarth explains the effectiveness of using a Spinner Rig on a variety of lakebeds; even the riggiest of carp will fall for this simple step by step.