WE ASK 3 ANGLERS How their autumn approach differs
from other seasons

WE ASK 3 ANGLERS How their
autumn approach differs from other seasons

With yet another short summer gone by, many’s favourite season is here. The carp have long since healed from the rigours of spawning and are looking to bulk up in preparation for the winter ahead. This makes it an incredibly exciting time in the angling calendar!

How does your autumn approach differ from the other seasons, and what are the most notable changes you tend to make around this time of year?


Liam Duncan Interview Part Two

Take a look at part two of our Liam Duncan interview where we gain insight into the methods and techniques used to achieve the ultimate success.

The Mobile Approach

Oz Holness explains how stripping back the gear to a bare minimum will allow you to stay fresh and mobile, which will put more carp on the bank

The Spinner Rig

Marcus Howarth explains the effectiveness of using a Spinner Rig on a variety of lakebeds; even the riggiest of carp will fall for this simple step by step.