IN THIS MONTHS INSTALMENT OF THINKING CAPS, WE ASK 3 ANGLERS for their advice to being successful throughout the spring...

The month of March marks the start of spring. The days are getting longer and warmer, plants harvest the suns increasing intensity and slowly but surely the natural world awakens from its cold slumber. Most importantly for us though, is the carp have started to wake from their winter torpor. What would be your advice to all those anglers looking to make this a spring to remember?


Liam Duncan Interview Part Two

Take a look at part two of our Liam Duncan interview where we gain insight into the methods and techniques used to achieve the ultimate success.

The Mobile Approach

Oz Holness explains how stripping back the gear to a bare minimum will allow you to stay fresh and mobile, which will put more carp on the bank

The Spinner Rig

Marcus Howarth explains the effectiveness of using a Spinner Rig on a variety of lakebeds; even the riggiest of carp will fall for this simple step by step.