With a lot of people opting to wind down their angling, or even hanging the rods up, instead of relentlessly fishing through the dour mid-winter period, it’s the perfect time to prepare for future fishing trips. The meticulous Scotty K uses this down time to roll perfect homemade cork-balled hookbaits. As with everything he does, he utilises a very precise method of rolling his cork ball pop-ups, a method that ensures each pop-up has virtually identical buoyancy, a vital detail when it comes to creating consistently perfect presentation quickly without having to add or remove large chunks of your tungsten putty. Cork balled hookbaits are a sure-fire way of making pop-ups to perfectly replicate the food signals and attractors that your nutritional freebies are leaching out across your baited area.

With a lot of people opting to wind down their angling, or even hanging the rods up, instead of relentlessly fishing through the dour mid-winter period, it’s the perfect time to prepare for future fishing trips. The meticulous Scotty K uses this down time to roll perfect homemade cork-balled hookbaits. As with everything he does, he utilises a very precise method of rolling his cork ball pop-ups, a method that ensures each pop-up has virtually identical buoyancy, a vital detail when it comes to creating consistently perfect presentation quickly without having to add or remove large chunks of your tungsten putty. Cork balled hookbaits are a sure-fire way of making pop-ups to perfectly replicate the food signals and attractors that your nutritional freebies are leaching out across your baited area.

Cork ball pop-ups are great for several reasons

The first being it’s an actual food bait and packs the same nutritional signals and triggers which carp get from the free offerings.

Secondly, they are extremely buoyant, making them great for use with hinge rigs and chods.

The first being it’s an actual food bait and packs the same nutritional signals and triggers which carp get from the free offerings.

Secondly, they are extremely buoyant, making them great for use with hinge rigs and chods.

Lastly, it’s nice to be able to add your own twists and tweaks, offering yourself something a little different from everyone else.

Lastly, it’s nice to be able to add your own twists and tweaks, offering yourself something a little different from everyone else.

how to make scotty k's
cork ball pop-ups

I’ll sometimes give the finished baits a light glaze of liquid food, but more often than not I’m happy to use them as they are.


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