TA|Insights | Chapter Two | Forgotten Mere | Gaz Fareham

7th March 2021

Back in the 80’s and 90’s, the meres of Shropshire were at the forefront of the carp angling world, with some truly wonderful specimens swimming in their depths. Stocked with the old Leney strain, amongst others, Birch Grove was one of the most popular and documented, thanks to the efforts of Tim Paisley. In recent years, it has been pushed to one side, in favour of the modern gravel pit scene, but could there be some special fish still swimming in the silty, lily clad angler’s paradise?

Having grown up in the north, fishing the famous Cheshire meres, we tasked Gaz Fareham to pit his wits against Birch Grove. With some specimens approaching 50 years old still present in the tricky, intimate mere, it certainly wasn’t a task for the faint hearted!

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